Surf & Turf: The most bizarre underground film festival of the Netherlands, the BUT Film Festival, asked us if we could program their Thursday evening. Of course we couldn’t say no!
The theme of the festival is unBUTtoned, so the question was whether we knew bands who radiate that explosion of SEX, ENERGY AND SWEAT...with a bit of dirt. We immediately said: OF COURSE! That’s our specialty! In fact, the line-up for this edition is so spot on, we cannot wait for the already legendary Thursday night: a night where you drink too much beer and wake up in the morning to a walrus with a little pink dress...
Charlie & the Lesbians

Charlie & The Lesbians
Currently one of the hardest live acts on Dutch stages. If you do not know them yet, you have to be deeply ashamed. TIP: Put on your elbow protectors and your helmet! Going broke is not an option!
J.C. Thomaz & The Missing Slippers

J.C. Thomaz & The Missing Slippers
It has already been three years since these wild beasts were on Surf & Turf, and although we don’t know if they found their slippers yet, we DO know that they come with TWO drummers! Guaranteed noise!
Venus Tropicaux

If sex is the theme, it’s impossible to ignore the uplifting Venus Tropicaux. There is nothing logical about their sound, but that doesn’t keep your limbs from swinging in all directions in an uncontrolled “dance”!